Well 30 days later and I have some news…
Alcohol makes you fat!
Ha ha ha ok ok we all knew that.
The real news is here in the pics. 30 days I dropped 3.6% body fat and lost that beer gut.
Now the real challenge begins, it’s called LIFE!
To be honest, Jonathan Phillips, who challenged me to drop the drinks for 30 days has really worked a miracle.
I tell clients all the time it takes 30 days to make or break a habit but now I truly understand the gravity of that statement.
As hard as I work I have always partied just as hard. I’ve been the ultimate frat boy trapped in a females body and never have I ever thought I could, would, wanted to give up alcohol.
Now on the other side of 30 days I can tell you that it simply isn’t that important to me any more.
My identity is in myself and what I am capable of. I don’t feel the need to revolve my days and weekends around drinking.
I just came home from a weekend in Vegas and drank 50% less than I normally would and I had 100% more fun than I’ve ever had. I exchanged beers for vodka mixed with BCAAs. I was smart about my consumption and guess what?
I actually remember the weekend! Shocking, I know.

For once I didn’t have to piece my nights together by pictures or Snap Chat videos going, “Oh God, did I do that? Did I really say that?”
But in all seriousness, if I could stop drinking and get these results in only 30 days then I promise anyone out there looking to drop weight, put on muscle or otherwise change their physique in some manner can do it too!
With this new found clarity and with my beer gut gone I want to take it even further.
I want to share all my secrets with my clients and jump into our 6 week Transformation Challenge with a new goal.
I have planned to include on my journey a word called “moderation.” Have you heard of it?
I will never give up being the party girl but the party girl doesn’t always have to be the drunkest one in the room.
There is a way to manage your diet, have a drink and still get your dream body….but it does start with giving up the way you are doing things now. It does require dedication and commitment.
You need the right coaches to create a workout and nutrition plan and guess what people; you have to do the work!
If I can do it, anyone can do it and I dare you to try.